Monday, June 6, 2011

Noah's Ark and Devil's Lake State Park

June 5th, 2011

There is nothing in the world that I love more than something free. Two other things that I thoroughly enjoy are exploring the world, and Noah's Ark Waterpark in Wisconsin Dells, WI. I have always had such an affinity for that place, spending as many days as possible enjoying the rides on site and always wetting a new spot on Sting Ray with Tyler. What is there that I could possibly ask for in life? How about free passes to Noah's Ark, free lunch at Noah's Ark, free admission to Devil's Lake State Park and an absolutely perfect day? I'll take it.

Heading out at about 9 am with my cousin Tyler, his girlfriend Whitney, my friend Kaylin, and Tyler's step brother and sister Aaron and Lexi, we were off to a day of fun. It's hard not to get excited on the way up to the Ark as it is clearly one of the most fun places for a group of friends in the area. The first ride hit was the new "Scorpion's Tail." This ride is the highest in the park and offers a new idea. "Scorpion's Tail" allows riders to step into a glass case and stand vertically for a few seconds until the floor falls out from underneath them. Quite the rush, I must say. I've never spent a day at Noah's Ark that we have been able to ride all the rides we really wanted to before lunch. Yesterday, that happened. We enjoyed our free lunch and decided to go on one more ride and hit the wave pool before we headed out for the next adventure.

Devil's Lake State Park was part of the Department of Natural Resources "Free Admission Day" for all State Parks in Wisconsin yesterday as well. So we figured we might as well go explore there as well. After the 30 minute drive, of which I slept the whole time, we arrived to the park. The girls decided that they wanted to just sit by the beach while us guys went to explore. Aaron decided to rock the sandals for the adventure. 1329 feet above sea level is almost unheard of in Wisconsin, and we trekked it all the way to the top. Although far from climbing a "14'er" out in the Rockies, it was a nice hike to finish the day.

This is what it looks like from the top. The rocks up there are beautiful. What's crazy though is how you can hear specifically hear what individual people are saying from all the way down on the beach. However, if we were to yell from the top, we figure there is no way they would be able to hear us. Also, due to the fact that the rock outcroppings heat up from the sun so much faster than the trees and soil do, they create a dramatic convection current. This current allows the birds of prey to swoop down toward the water and use the convection currents to rise themselves back up to higher elevations. Quite the sight to see.

Overall, I would say that yesterday was definitely the best day that I have ever had without spending a dollar. Not a very common thing but I sure will take it. I'm glad I got to spend such a fun day with a great group of people, while getting a great chance to explore previously unseen territory for myself. Welcome back, summer. You've been missed.

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