Friday, June 3, 2011

Remembering Uncle Russ

May 27th, 2011

Remembering Uncle Russ -

86 years this world was bettered by the presence of my great uncle Russ Marty. He was a farmer, a hunter, a fisherman, but most of all he was a family man. He loved his family more than anything, and spent his entire life on the Marty farm on Marty Road in Madison. This was the farm that I grew up hunting on and spent so much of my time on. My grandfather, Paul Marty, of course lived right next to Russ in the house next door.

Grandpa and Russ sure were something together. They were nearly identical in so many ways. Their dispositions were as similar as their builds. Seeing the pictures of them in Russ' wedding was comical. I recall my cousin Tyler saying that in that picture "Russ looked like a beefy version of Grandpa." And it was so true. Russ may have been a big man, but he sure was a gentle giant. He spent his entire life with his high school sweetheart Marge. Marge always has been one of the nicest people I have ever had the chance to know, and her and Russ were the perfect fit. One of the memories that sticks out the most from spending time with Russ was the ice fishing. Heading down to "The Pond" in my youth to go spend the day trying to catch a tiny little bluegill through the ice sure was fun.

Russ was always such a positive influence on everyone around him. There are so many memories that I have thanks to Russ Marty. I will never forget you Uncle Russ.

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